خرید انواع کتاب قرآن و مفاتیح الجنان با بالاترین تخفیف + طراحی یادبود رایگان حتماً ببینید

ادبیات فارسی

ادیان و مذاهب

اصول دین و اعتقادات

اهل بیت (ع)

سبک زندگی


کودک و نوجوان

علوم و فنون

حوزه علمیه

احادیث | ادعیه | زیارت

تاریخ بروزرسانی: بیش از شش ماه پیش

سبد خرید این کتاب فعلاً فعال نیست

سعی می کنیم این کتاب رو در اسرع وقت موجود کنیم

از این که با شکیبایی همراه ما هستید از شما متشکریم

ارسال به سراسر ایران
تضمین رضایت

The Importance of Translation of Knowledge and Learning of Ahl al-Bayt
The Message of Ayatollah Uzma Makarim Shirazi
1. Translator's Foreword
Various Aspects of thd Uprising
Islamic Government of the Holy Prophet (SAW)
The Imamate vs. Kingdom
The Noble Conduct of Imam al-Husain (AS)
A Deviation of Misunderstanding
The Continuity of A'ashura Movement
The Translation
Translator's Foreword for the Second Edition
2. Biography of the Author
2. Biography of the Author
3. A Few Words about the Book
The Style of the Writing
The First Journey
The Second Journey
The Third Journey
The Fourth Journey
The Fifth Journey
The return towards Medina
The Special Features of the Book
The Name of the Book
An Important Reminder
4. Preface
The Holy Prophet (SAW) and Imam's (AS) Birth
The Naming Ceremony
His Character
His Personality
The Features of Imam's (AS) in the Holy Qur'an
The Verse of Friendship (Movadat)
The Verse of Purification (Tathir)
The Verse of Cursing (Mobahela)
The Features of Imam al-Husain (AS) in Traditions
The Prophecies of His Martyrdom
The Letters from the Kufans
Ja'da b.Habireh's Sons
Imam's (AS) Letter to the Kufans
The Martyrdom Hujr b. Adi al-Kindi
The Criticism of Mu'awiyeh
The Martyrdom of Omroo b. al-Khizai
Mu'awiyeh's Deceit
The Changing of the Governmental System
Mu'awiyeh's Letter to Imam (AS)
Imam's (AS) Reply to Mu'awiyeh
The Gathering in Mecca
The Arrival of Delegations near Mu'awiyeh
Ahnaf b. Qays
The Letter to the Governor of Medina
Mu'awiyeh's Journey to Medina
The Meeting with A'aishey
Mu'awiyeh's Journey to Mecca
The End of Mu'awiyeh's Life
Mu'awiyeh's Letter to Yazid
Yazid's Sermon after His Father's Demise
People's Condolences to Yazid
Yazid's Dreams
Yazid's Letter to the Governor of Medina
Al-Walid's Consultation with Marwan
Imam's al-Husain's (AS) Encounter with Marwan
Marwan's Meeting with Imam (AS)
Fareweell with Holy Prophet's (SAW) Grave
Farewell with His Mothers & Brother's Graves
Imam's (AS) Will for al-Hanafiyeh
Muhammad b. al-Hanafiyeh's Proposal
Imam's (AS) Reply
The Grief of Hashemite Women
Their Awareness of the Martyrdom
Imam's (AS) Journey from Medina to Mecca
Meeting in Between the Journey
In Mecca
The Entry in Mecca
The Visiting of Khadijeh's (SA) Grave
The Letter for the People of Basra
Manzar b. Jarud's Reaction
Ahnaf b. Qay's Reply
Yazid b. Masud's Reaction
Yazid b. Masud's Reply to Imam (AS)
Yazid b. Nabit Basri
The Letters of the Kufans
Imam's (AS) Letter to the Kufans
The Dispatching of Muslim b. Aqil (AS)
Muslim b. Aqil's (AS) Letter to Imam (AS)
The Imam's (AS) Reply
Muslim b. Aqil (AS) in al-Mukhtar's Home
Abis b. Abi Habib ash-Shakiri's Speech
The Allegiance with Muslim (AS)
Another Letter of Muslim b.Aqil (AS)
The Speech of Governor of Kufa
Sarjun - Mu'awiyeh's Slave
Yazid's Letter to Ubaydullah
Ubaydullah b. Ziyad's Speech
Ubaydullah b. Ziyad's Journey to Kufa
Ubaydullah b. Ziyad's Entry in Kufa
Ubaydullah b. Ziyad's Sermon in Kufa
Threats and Intimidation
The Encounter with Government Officials
Muslim b. Aqil (AS) in Hani's Home
Sharik b. Aaur in Kufa
Ubaydullah Visits Hani and Sharik
Sharik's Plot to Kill Ubaydullah
Mehran's Becoming Suspicious
Muslim's (AS) Reluctance to Kill Ubaydullah
Sharik b. Aaur's Demise
The Story of Moaqal
The Plot against Hani b. Urweh
The Arrest of Hani b. Urweh
Hani and Muslim b. Omroo Bahili
The Torture of Hani b. Urweh
The Uprising of the Clan of Madhhij
Ibn Ziyad's Sermon
The Uprising of Muslim (AS)
Ubaydullah's Trick for Breaking the Siege
Declaration of Helpessness by the Kufans
Raising of the White Flags
The Arrest of People
The Beginning of Muslim's (AS) Exile
Muhammad b. Kathir's Arrest
Muslim (AS) in Tu'a's Home
Ubaydullah Sermon
The Issuance of New Orders
The Dream of Muslim (AS)
The Story of Billal - Son of Tu'a
The Bravery of Muslim (AS)
The Arrest of Muslim (AS)
The Crying of Muslim (AS)
The Dispatching of a Courier
Muslim b. Omroo Bahili
Muslim (AS) in Ubaydullah's Assembly
The Last Will of Muslim (AS)
The Martyrdom of Muslim b. Aqil (AS)
The Martyrdom of Hani
Ibn Ziyad's Letter to Yazid
Yazid's Reply to Ibn Ziyad
The Clan of Muslim b. Aqil (AS)
Imam's (AS) Sermon at Mecca
Sefeguarding the Sanctity of Holy Mecca
Why Imam (AS) Selected Iraq and Kufa?
Imam (A.S) and Muhammad b. al-Hanafiyeh
Imam (AS) and Omar b. Abd ar-Rahman
Masur b. Mkhrama
Abdullah b. al-Abbas
Abdullah b. Omar
Abdullah b. az-Zubayr
Ibn al-Abbas and Abdullah b. az-Zubayr
The Meeting with Oza'i
Abdullah b. Ja'far's Letter
Omroo b. S'aid's Letter
8. From Mecca to Karbala
The Pursuance of Imam (AS)
Al-Walid b. Utbeh's Letter
The Blockade of the Routes
Omroo b. S'aid's Letter to Yazid
The Stoppages from Mecca to Karbala
1. Al-Abtah
2. Al-Tanaim
3. Al-Siffeh
4. Wadi al- Aqiq
5. Wadi al-Safreh
6. Zat Arq
7. Al- Hajar Man Batn al-Rammeh
The Story of Qays b. Mushir as-Saydawi
8. Faid
9. Al-Jufr
10. Khazimyeh
11. Shaquq
12. Zarud
The Meeting with Zuhayr b. al-Qayn
13. Thalbiyeh
The News of Muslim's (AS) Martyrdom
Abu Harra Azdi
Muslim b. Aqil's (AS) Daughter
The Acceptance of Islam by a Christian
14. Zubaleh
The Courier of Kufa
Abdullah b. Yuqtar
15. Al-Qa
16. Uqba al-Batn
17. Sharraf
18. Dhu Husm
19. Al-Baiza
20. Al-Rahimeh
21. Adhib al-Hajanat
22. Al-Qutqutana
23. Qasr Banu-Maqatil
Omroo b. Qays
24. Ninawa (or Naynawa)
9. In Karbala
The Entry in Karbala
The Second Day of Muharram
Imam's (A.S) Prayer
Imam's (AS) Speech
Imam's (AS) Letter to the Kufans
The Expressions of Imam's (AS) Companions
Ubayadullah's Letter to Imam (AS)
Ammar b. Abdullah
The Third Day of Muharram
The Purchasing of Land in Karbala
The Prudence of Imam's (AS) Companions
Omar b. S' ad's Letter to Ubaydullah
Ubaydullah's Reply
Ubaydullah in Nukhayleh
The Fourth Day of Muharram
The Fitfh Day of Muharram
The Number of Omar b. S'ad's Army
The Sixth Day of Muharram
The Status of the Enemy Troops
Imam's (AS) Letter to al-Hanafiyeh
Banu Asad's Support for Imam (AS)
The Seventh day of Muharram
The Eighth Day of Muharram
The Meeting of Yazid Hamedani & Omar S'ad
The Bringing of Water from Euphrates
The Meeting of Imam (AS) and Omar b. S'ad
Omar b. S'ad's Letter to Ubaydullah
The False Accusation and Slander
Ubaydullah's Reply
The Threat of Dismissal
The Ninth Day of Muharram (T'asua)
The Letter of Immunity
The Rejection of the Letter of Immaunity
The Declaration of War
The Speeches of Habib and Zuhayr
The Permission of Worshiping for One Night
Imam's (AS) Sermon on the Night of A'ashura
The Response of Imam's (AS) Companions
Muhammad b. Bashir
The Death - Sweeter than Honey
The Resistance - Till the Verge of Martyrdom
The Excavation of Trench around the Camp
The Strenghthening of Position
The Ceremonial Ablutions for the Martyrdom
The Verses of Imam (AS)
A Small Group of Enemy Joins Imam (AS)
Burayr and Abu Harb Sabi'i
The Attaining of Allah's Countenance (Laq'a)
Nafi' b. Hilal al-Jamali and Imam (AS)
Imam's (AS) Dream
The Day of A' ashura
The Number of Imam's (AS) Supporters
Omar b. S'ad's Army
The Movement of Enemy Troops
The Sermon of Imam (AS)
Shimr Dhu'l Jawshan Speaks to Imam (AS)
Ibn Abi Juwayreh and Tamim b. Husain
Abdullah b. Hozeh
Tanabba Masruq
Zuhayr b. al-Qayn's Sermon
Burayr's Sermon
The Uproar and Disturbance
Imam's (AS) Second Sermon
Imam's (AS) Prophecy about Omar b. S'ad
Another Sermon of Imam (AS)
Hurr b. Yazid Riyahi
A Heavenly Announcer
The Order for the Attack
The Maryrdom of Imam's (AS) Companions
The Martyrs of the First Enemy Attack
1. Adam b. Umayyeh
2. Umayyeh b. S'ad
3. Bashar b. Omar
4. Jabir b. Hajjaj
5. Habab b. Amir
6. Hableh b. Ali
7. Janadeh b. K'ab
8. Jundab b. Hajir Kindi
9. Juwayn b. Malik
10. Harith b. Amir al-Qays
11. Harith b. Nabhan
12. Hajjaj b. Badr
13. Hulas b. Omroo
14. Zahir b. Omroo
15. Zahir b. Salim
16. Salim (Slave of Amir b. Muslim)
17. Salim b. Omroo
18. Sawar b. Abi Hamir
19. Shabib b. Abdullah
20. Aaid b. Majmeh
21. Amir b. Muslim
22. Abdullah b. Bashir
23. Abdullah b. Yazid
24. Ubaudullah b. Yazid
25. Abdul Rahman b. Abdul Rab
26. Abdul Rahman b. Masud
27. Omar b. Dhabiyeh
28. Ammar b. Hassan
29. Ammar b. Salimeh
30. Qasim b. Habib al-Azdi
31. Qasit b. Zuhayr
32. Kardus b. Zuhayr
33. Kananeh b. Atiq
34. Muslim b. Kathir
35. Mas'ud b. Hajjaj
36. Maqsat b. Zuhayr
37. Nasr b. Abi Nazar
38. Nu'man b. Omroo
39. N'aim b. Ajlan
40. Zuhayr b. Bashar al-Khasa'mi
The Descending of Divine Help
The Imploration for Help (Isteghasa)
The Names of the Other Martyrs
1. Abdullah b. Umayr
2. Sayf b. al-Harith
3. Malik b. Abdullah
4. Omroo b. Khalid al-Saydawi
5. S'ad Molai Omroo
6. Jabir b. Harith
7. Majma b. Abdullah
8. Burayr b. Khuzayr
9. Omroo b. Qarzeh b. K'ab Ansari
10. S'ad b. Harith
11. Abu al-Hatuf b. Harith
12. Nafi' b. Hilal al-Jamali
13. Abu al-Sha'sha al-Kindi
14. Muslim b. Awsajeh Asadi
15. Hurr b. Yazid Riyahi
16. Habib b. al-Muzahir
The Last Prayer (Salat)
17. S'aid b. Abdullah al-Hanafi
18. Abu Thamama S' aidi
19. Salman b. Madarib
20. Zuhayr b. al-Qayn Bajali
21. Hajjaj b. Masruq al-J' afi
22. Yazid b. Maqhfil J'afi
23. Hanzaleh b. S'ad As'ad Shabami
24. Abis b. Abi Shabib
25. Shudhab b. Abdullah
26. Jon b. Abi Malik
27. Abdul Rahman al-Rahabi
28. The Turkish slave
29. Aris b. Harith
30. Abdullah b. Urweh
31. Abdul Rahman b. Urweh
32. Omroo b. Janadeh
33. Wadah al-Turki
34. Rafi b. Abdullah
35. Yazid b. Thbit
36. Bakr b. Hai
37. Zarghameh b. Malik
38. Majmeh b. Ziyad
39. Abad b. Mhajir
40. Wahab b. Habab Kalbi
41. Habshi b. Qays b. Salimeh
42. Ziyad b. Arib
43. Uqbeh b. Salat
44. Qa'nab b. Omar
45. Anis b. Moa'qal
46. Qurreh b. Abi Qurreh
47. Abdul Rahman b. Abdullah al-Yazni
48. Yahya al-Mazani
49. Manjh
50. Suwayd b. Omroo
Imam (AS) Speaks to His companions
The Fighting of Imam's (AS) Companions
The Attacking of the Camp
Zoak b. Abdullah
The Valor of Imam's (AS) Companions
The Martyrs of Banu Hahsim
Ali b. al-Husain - Ali Akbar (AS)
The Family of Aqil b. Abi Talib (AS)
Abdullah b. Muslim b. Aqil (AS)
Muhammad b. Muslim b. Aqil (AS)
J'afar b. Aqil (AS)
Adb ar-Rahman b. Aqil (AS)
Abdullah b. Aqil (AS)
Muhammad b. Abi S'aid b. Aqil (AS)
The Family of J'afar b. Abi Talib (AS)
Aun b. Abdullah b. J'afar (AS)
Muhammad b. Abdullah b. J'afar (AS)
Ubaydullah b. Abdullah b. J'afar (AS)
Qasim b. Muhammad b. J'afar b. Abi Talib (AS)
The Children of Imam al-Hasan (AS)
Qasim b. al-Hasan (AS)
Abu Bakr b. al-Hasan (AS)
Abdullah b. al-Hasan (AS)
Hasan b. al-Hasan (AS)
The Children of Imam Ali (AS)
Abdullah b. Ali (AS)
Othman b. Ali (AS)
J'afar b. Ali
Abu Bakr b. Ali (AS)
Muhammad b. Ali (AS)
Abbas al-Asghar (AS)
Abbas b. Ali (AS)
Muhammad b. Abbas b. Ali (AS)
The Last Moment and the Infant
The newly born Marytyr
The Number of Ahl al-Bayt's (AS) Martyrs
1. Seventeen People
2. Sixteen People
3. Fifteen People
4. Nineteen People
5. Twenty People
6. Twenty - Three People
7. Twwnty - eight People
8. Seventy - eight People
9. Thirty People
10. Thirteen People
11. Fourteen People
The Verses of Imam (AS)
Imam's (AS) Call for Help (Isteghasa)
Recommendations to Imam al-Sajjad (AS)
The Farewell of Imam (AS)
Imam's (AS) Three Years Old Daughter
The Fighting of Imam (AS)
The Last Sermon of Imam (AS)
The last Farewell of Imam (AS)
The Savage Attack
The Triple Head Arrow
The Camp under Attack
The Last Prayer of Imam (AS)
The last Hymns of Imam (AS)
The Martyrdom of Imam's (AS)
The Crying of Zaynab (SA)
Nafi' b. Hilal al-Jamali
The Last Moments of Imam (AS)
The Order of Imam's (AS) Execution
Who was Imam's (AS) Murderer?
Shimr b. Dhu'l Jawshan
Sinan b. Anas Nakhi
Khuli b. Yazid
The Crying of the Angels
The News of the Martyrdom
The Last Martyr
Imam's (AS) Horse - Dhul Jinah
The Upheaval of the Universe
The Date of the Martyrdom
The Number of Imam's (AS) Wounds
In the Aftermath of the Martyrdom
The Looting of the Camp
Hamideh - the Daughter of Muslim (AS)
The Burning of the Tents
Request for the Reward
The Peak of Cruelty
1. Ishaque b. Huwway
2. Akhnas b. Marthad
3. Hakim b. Tufayl
4. Omroo b. Sabih
5. Raja b. Minqadh
6. Salim b. Khathima Ja'fi
7. Wahid b. Naam
8. Saleh b. Wahab
9. Hani b. Thabit
10. Asid b. Malik
The Narration of Jammal
Imam's (A.S) Wounded Companions
1. Sawar b. Hamir Jabri
2. Omroo b. Abdullah
3. Hasan b. al-Hasan
Mothers of Martyrs - Present in Karbala
The Holy Prophet's (SAW) Companions
The Number of Martyrs of Karbala
These - Who weren't Martyred in Karbala
Those who were martyred after Imam (AS)
The Children of Muslim b. Aqil (AS)
The Enemy Losses
Imam's (AS) Age at His Martyrdom
The Holy Head of Imam (AS)
The Distribution of the Holy Heads
The Journey from Karbala
The Number of the Capatives
The Captives form Banu hashim's Men
The Banu Hashim's Women Captives
The Other Women Captives
The Caravan of the Captives
Zaynab (SA) At the Site of Martyrdom
The Sermon of Zaynab (SA)
1. The First Sermon
2. Second Sermon
3. Third Sermon
4. The Fourth Sermon
5. The Fifth Sermon
Sakineh (SA) and Imam's (AS) Body
The Holy Corpses of the Martyrs
The Observations of a Man from Banu Asad
The Burial of Sacred Bodies
When the Burial was done?
10. In Kufa
The Captives Arrival in Kufa
The First Head - Mounted Upon the Lance
The Camels without Saddles
A Prophecy of Imam Ali (AS)
The Fiery Sermons in Kufa
The Sermon of Zaynab (SA)
The Sermon of Fatimeh al-Sughra (SA)
The Sermon of Umme Kulthun (SA)
Historical Sermon of Imam al-Sajjad (AS)
The Governor's Mansion of Kufa
Order for Imam al-Sajjad's (AS) Execution
Ibn Ziyad and the Holy Head of Imam (AS)
The Prison of Kufa
Ubaydullah's Letter for Yazid
The Events in Kufa after the Captives
Abdullah b. Afif Azdi
Jundab b. Abdullah
The Regret of Omar b. S' ad
Al-Mukhtar at the Governor's Mansion
The News of Martyrdom in Medina
The Blasphemous Words of Omroo b. S'aid
Abdullah b. J'afar
Umme Salimeh (SA)
An Announcer from the Unseen
The of News Of Martyrdom in Mecca
Rab'i b. Khuthim
Hasan Basri in Basra
11. From Kufa to Damascus
The Ahl al-Bayt's (AS) Journey to Damascus
The Stoppages from Kufa to Damascus
The First Halting Station
Mashhad al-Nuqteh
Wadi al-Nukhleh
Ayn al- Wardeh
D' awaat
Marra al-Nu'man
Kafri Talib
The Prophets and the Holy Head
12. In Damascus
The Ideological Beliefs of the Syrians
Sahal b. S' ad al-S'adi
The Verses of Imam al-Sajjad (AS)
Ibrahim b. Talheh
The Assembly of Yazid
Fatimeh (SA) The Daughter of Imam (AS)
The Drinking of Wine by Yazid
The Incident of the Roman Ambassador
The Sermon of Zaynab Kubra (SA)
The Sermon of Imam al-Sajjad (AS)
The Reaction of Imam's (AS) Sermon
Minhal b. Omroo
The Hatred of Syrian People towards Yazid
The Dream of Hind
Incident Imam's (AS) Youngest Daughter
The Official Declaration of Mourning
Imam al-Sajjad's (AS) Three Demands
13. From Damascus to Medina
The Departure form the Damascus
The Arbae'en (The 40 th. day)
The Contradiction of Arbae' en's Traditions
1. The First Opinion
2. The Second Opinion
3. The Third Opinion
4. The Fourth opinion
the Stoppage at Karbala
The Departure form Karbala
The Return to Medina
The Reward for a Well done Job
14. In Medina after Karbala
Bashir in Medina
Welcome of the Caravan of Karbala
The Sermon of Imam al-Sajjad (AS)
Sa'saa b. Suhan al-Abdi
Muhammad b. al-Hanafiyeh
Agl al-Bayt's (AS) Entry in Medina
Umme Salimeh (SA)
Ummul Banin (SA)
The Mourning of Ahl al- Bayt (AS)
Rabab (SA)
The Elegy of Aqil's Daughter
The Lamentation of Imam al-Sajjad (AS)
The Lamentation of the Companions
The Grief of Zaynab (SA)
Yazid's thanking of Marjaneh's Son
15. The Improtance of Imam's (AS) Pilgrimage
The Importance Imam's (AS) Pilgrimage
Is Pilgrimage of Imam's (AS) Mandatory?
16. The Shi'i after Imam's (AS) Martyrdom
The Regret
Letter from the Prison
Lettet of Yazid
The Penitents (Tawwabun)
Speech of al-Mussayab b. Najabeh
Speech of Rafa b. Shaddad al-Bajali
Speech of Sulaiman b. Surad
Letter to al-Mada'in
Letter of S' ad b. Hudhaifeh al-Yemen
Letter of the People of Basra
Yazid's Demise
People's Allegiance with az-Zubayr
Al-Mukhtar's Journey to Mecca
Ibn Ziyad After Yazid's Demise
Amir b. Mas'ud
Exit from Basra
Escape to Damascus
Abdullah and Ibrahim b. Muhammad
Abdullah b. Yazid al-Ansari's Speech
The Beginning of Penitent's Movement
The Sermon of Sulaiman b. Surad
Abdullah b. S'ad b. Nufayl al-Azdi
Abdullah b. Yazid & Sulaiman b. Surad
The Arrival of Penitents in Karbala
Movement of Penitents from Karbala
Abdullah b. Yazid al-Ansari's Letter
Sulaiman's Reply to Abdullah b. Yazid
The Movement of Syrian Army
Ayn al - Wardeh
The Sermon of Sulaiman b. Surad
The dispatching of an-Numayr and Shrahjil
The Dispatching of Adham b. Mahrz
The Martyrdom of Sulaiman b. Surad
Al-Musayyab b. Najbeh al-Fazari
Abdullah b. Said b. Nufayl al-Azdi
Rifa b. Shaddad al-Bajali
Abdullah b. Walin b. at-Taymi
Abdullah b. Auaf b. Ahmar
Abdullah b. Aziz Kanani
The Return to Kufa
The Arrival of Reinforcing Troops
The News of Penitents in Damascus
17. The Uprisingof al-Mukhtar
Who is al-Mukhtar?
The Period of His Growth
His Personal Characteristics
Al-Mukhtar - In the sight of Imams (AS)
Al-Mukhtar - In Imam Ali's (AS) Lap
M' obid b. Khalid
Muslim (AS) at al-Mukhtar's Home in Kufa
Al-Mukhtar during Muslim's (AS) Uprising
Al-Mukhtar & Mitham b. Yahya at-Tammar
Al-Mukhtar after the Penitents (Tawwabun)
Al-Mukhtar's Letter to Sulaiman
The Freedom form the Prison
Abdullah b. Mut'i
The Plot for al-Mukhtar's Arrest
Abd ar-Rahman b. Shurayh
The Meeting with Muhammad al-Hanafiyeh
Muhammad b. Hanafiyeh's Speech
Imam al-Sajjad's (AS) Opinion
The Return to Kufa
Abd ar-Rahman b. Shurayh's Testimony
The Invitation to Ibrahim b. Malik al-Ashtar
Ibrahim's Paying Homage to al-Mukhtar
The Uprising of Al-Mukhtar
Ayas b. Madarib
The Orders for the Uprising
The Attacking of Zor b. Qay's Troops
Swayd b. Abd ar-Rahman
Abu Othman Nahadi and Clan of Shakir
The Clan of Khatham
The Assembly inside thd Mosque
The Killing of N' aeem
Al-Mukhrar under the Seige
The Speech of Yazid b. Anas
The Killing of Rashid b. Ayas
Hassan b. Q'aid
Omroo b. Hajjaj's Proposal
Ibn Mut'i's Sermon
Ibn Mut'i under the Siege
The Entry in Kufa
Nofil b. Masahaq
The Siege of Governor's Mansion
The Pardon of the Nobles
The Sermon of al-Mukhtar
The Allegiance with al-Mukhtar
The Distribution of Public Treasury
The Dispatching of the Governors
Marwan b. al-Hakm's Demise
The Beginning of the Revenge
Abdul Rahman's Letter to al-Mukhtar
Al-Mukhtar's Reply to Abdul Rahman
The Killing of Syrian Army Commanders
The Demise of Iraqi Army Commander
Warqeh b. Aazib's Proposal
Warqeh b. Aazib's Blunder
The Reflections of Yazid b. Anas' Demise
The Conspiracy in Kufa
Abdul Rahman b. Mikhnaf's Proposal
The Mutiny
Shimr's Quitting of Yemenite Clan
The Fighting with the Rebels
Malik b. Omroo
Abu al-Qulus
The Killing of Rifa b. Shaddad al-Bajali
The Suppression of the Rebels
The Escape from the Kufa
Omroo b. Hajjaj Zubaydi
Abdullah b. Mut'i
The Demolition of the Homes
The Killers of Imam's (AS)
The Horse Gallopers
The Group of Dabbaba
The Killing of Khuli
The Killing of Omar b. S' ad
The Sending of Heads to Medina
Shimr b. Dhu'l Jawshan
Sinan b. Anas
Hamid b. Muslim
The Story of Hurmaleh b. Kahil
The Crimes of Hurmaleh b. Kahil
Hakim b. Tufayl Ta'i
The Crimes of Hakim b. Tufayl Ta'i
Marra b. Minqadh
Zayd b. Raqad
Abu al-Hatuf J'afi
Saleh b. Wahb
Abhar b. K'ab
Bajdal b. Salim
Omroo b. Sabih
The Story of Saraqa b. Mardas
The Fighting with Ubaydullah b. Ziyad
Al-Mukhtar's Recommendations
The Movement of the Kufan Army
Omayr b. Habab
Ibrahim b. Malik Ashtar's Speech
The Syrian Army
The Beginning of Attack of Syrians Army
The Killing of Ubaydullah b Ziyad
The Killing of Husyan b. an-Numayr
The Killing of Sharahjil
The Victory of the Musal
Al-Mukhtar's Arrival in al-Mada'in
The Sending of Ibn Ziyad's Head to Kufa
The Sending of b. Ziyad's Head to Medina
The Sh'ayb Arm Incident
Mas'ab b. az- Zubayr
Expulsion of Banu Hashim from Mecca
Mollab b. Abi Safreh's Movement
Abdul Rahman b. Mikhnaf
The Movement of Mas'ab from Basra
The Blunder of Treason
The Beginning of the Attack
The News of the Defeat
The Movement towards the Kufa
The Fighting at Harura
An Incorrect Proposal
Al-Mukhtar under the Siege
Al-Mukhtar's Suggestion
Al-Mukhtar and S'aib b. Malik
Al-Mukhtar's Precise Foresight
The Killing of al-Mukhtar
Bajir b. Abdullah
Abdul Rahman b. Ash'ath
Musafir b. S'aid
Abdullah b. Omar's Reprimand
Al-Mukhtar's Women
Al-Mukhtar's Body
The Duration of al-Mukhtar's Rein
Urweh b. az-Zubayr
Abdullah b. az-Zubayr
Al-Mukhtar's Grave

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